Stratégie:Pourquoi Raqqa n’est pas comparable à Mossoul Publié le 21/10/2016 – 12:24 Raqqa en novembre 2014. PHOTO NOUR FOURAT/REUTERS La reconquête de Mossoul vient de débuter le 17 octobre, et déjà les regards se tournent vers Raqqa, la capitale …
After the failed military coup, here comes Erdogan’s civil coup 15.10.2016. Turkey. The goal is to set up a tailor-made political system that will suit him. The Turkish people took to the streets and defeated the military forces involved in …
Why did President Erdogan restart the battle with the Kurdish PKK? The answer lies in the tale of the failed coup The democratic Kurdish parties are dwarfed by this battle, which consumed the centre of Diyabarkir last winter and early …
Amid Syrian chaos, Iran’s game plan emerges: a path to the Mediterranean Militias controlled by Tehran are poised to complete a land corridor that would give Iran huge power in the region Sunni fighters training ahead of the battle to …
Après le coup d’État militaire raté, le coup d’État civil réussi d’Erdogan Objectif: instaurer un nouveau système politique à sa mesure. Le peuple turc descendu dans la rue a fait échouer les putschistes, lesquels étaient téléguidés par l’imam Fetullah Gülen …
Turkey-PKK conflict: Checkpoint car bomb kills 18 A car bomb attack by Kurdish militants on a checkpoint in south-east Turkey has killed 10 soldiers and eight civilians, Turkish officials say. The attack in Durak came as soldiers had stopped a …
Walking the streets of Istanbul, Erdogan’s crackdown lingers heavy in the air Erdogan has extended Turkey’s state of emergency by 90 days and the Turkish lira has fallen – I guess that’s what ‘normalisation process’ means Robert Fisk Istanbul Thursday 6 October 2016 A …
Turkey Exits E.U.’s Creative Europe Program, Reportedly Over Armenian Genocide Dispute PHOTO BY RICHARD DREW/AP/REX/SHUTTERSTOCK OCTOBER 4, 2016 | 09:24AM PT Variety, Nick Vivarelli, OCTOBER 4, 2016 | 09:24AM PT ROME — Turkey is exiting the European Union’s Creative Europe program which …
Iraq Accuses Turkey of ‘Being Invasive’, Wants It Out English Bianet, 05 October 2016 Iraqi Council has decided that “Turkey is considered ‘invasive force’ and do what is necessary to take Turkey out of the Iraqi lands”. The council will …
2500 journalists become unemployed sunce July 15 Representatives of shut down media organs, which have been shut down by Statutory Decree within the scope of the State of Emergency, and press trade associations organized a press meeting at the Journalists’ …